dye experiments & development

The original plan was to create a dip dyed feather neckpiece (although not in pink). I lost interest in the end. The feathers above were to test an idea. A fringe made of soft goose plumage was intended for the main piece.

hand dyed silk / agate geode slice / hand dyed fabric pompoms
I attempted to create a kind of dip dyed, washed out effect on the pompoms. Almost like a reverse look of the carnation petals.
carnation flower heads - such a generic choice of inspiration, but they sure are pretty.
Although I have now lost interest in dip dyeing the silk, I do still plan on further dye related experiments. Finding the perfect shade of navy to pair with this vintage brass collar would be a good start.
marabou feathers / silk jersey / ribbed viscose / sliced agate / carnations / vintage coral specimen / sketchbook packed with further samples and dye colour formulas
On a shop related note, thank you VERY much for all the support with the new website! Can't believe it has almost been a week since the launch. I have also really appreciated your comments and suggestions in the previous post. Closer, further detailed photographs will soon be added to the product pages and I have been talking to my web developer about some kind of navigation bar at the top or side rather than solely at the bottom. Sometimes times I like a little too much white space. If you have any further suggestions I'd love to hear them. image credit: personal photography